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Tails Linux 2.5 – Browse Anonymously – Bootable Premium DVD


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Brand: LinuxFreak
Manufacturer: LinuxFreak

  • Provides internet anonymity and the ability to circumvent cencorship
  • Take control of your internet privacy while you surf the web
  • Use anywhere but leave no trace
  • State-of-the-art cryptographic tools
  • Tails relies on the Tor anonymity network to protect your privacy online

Product Description: What is TAILS Linux?

Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly.

Based on Debian, Tails is a complete operating system designed to be used from bootable DVD, independently of the computer’s original operating system. This means that you can use a computer without worrying about leaving any traces of where you’ve browsed, or any personal information that you may have entered in.

Tails comes with several built-in applications pre-configured with security in mind: web browser, instant messaging client, email client, office suite, image and sound editor, etc.

Use anywhere but leave no trace

Using Tails on a computer doesn’t alter or depend on the operating system installed on it. So you can use it in the same way on your computer, a friend’s computer, or one at your local library. After shutting down Tails, the computer will start again with its usual operating system.

Tails is configured with special care to not use the computer’s hard-disks, even if there is some swap space on them. The only storage space used by Tails is in RAM, which is automatically erased when the computer shuts down. So you won’t leave any trace on the computer either of the Tails system itself or what you used it for. That’s why we call Tails “amnesic”.

This allows you to work with sensitive documents on any computer and protects you from data recovery after shutdown. Of course, you can still explicitly save specific documents to another USB stick or external hard-disk and take them away for future use.

Dimensions: Height: 5 mm, Length: 140 mm, Width: 140 mm
Weight: 28 g
Package Information: Package Height: 1 mm, Package Length: 127 mm, Package Width: 127 mm, Package Weight: 68 g
Binding: DVD-ROM
Format: DVD-ROM

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