Husqvarna 596282401 S1600 Wood Splitting 24″ Axe Reinforced Durable Shaft
Husqvarna Part Number: 596282401
MPN: 596282401
BRAND: Husqvarna
More Info:
Genuine Husqvarna Product, OEM Part Number: 596282401
– 24″ splitting axe is suited for splitting firewood logs. The axe head has a non-stick coating which reduces friction while cutting.
– The fiber-reinforced shaft with a stainless steel component protects the handle while ensuring a long product life.
– Designed for perfect balance and weight distribution.
– Can be used as a hammer in conjunction with regular splitting wedges (no steel wedges).
Husqvarna S1600 Wood Splitting 24″ Axe # 596282401
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