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HP 141A Black Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge, ~950 pages, W1410A



HP 141A Black Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge, ~950 pages, W1410A

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HP 141A Black Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge, W1410A


  • Compatible printers: HP LaserJet MFP M141a Printer, HP LaserJet MFP M141w Printer, HP LaserJet M111a Printer, HP LaserJet M111w Printer, HP LaserJet MFP M139-M142 Printer series, HP LaserJet MFP M139e-M142e Printer series, HP LaserJet M109-M112 Printer series, HP LaserJet M109e-M112e Printer series
  • Color: Black
  • Print Technology: Laser
  • Page Yield: ~950 pages (black and white), N/A (color)
  • Original HP toner cartridges produce an average of 71% more usable pages than non-HP cartridges.

Color(s) of print cartridges


Print technology


Page yield (black and white)

~950 pages

Page yield (colour)


Page yield footnote

Approximate average yield based on ISO/IEC 19752. Actual yield varies considerably based on content of printed pages and other factors. For details see https://www.hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies.

Compatible printers

HP LaserJet MFP M141a Printer, HP LaserJet MFP M141w Printer, HP LaserJet M111a Printer, HP LaserJet M111w Printer, HP LaserJet MFP M139-M142 Printer series, HP LaserJet MFP M139e-M142e Printer series, HP LaserJet M109-M112 Printer series, HP LaserJet M109e-M112e Printer series

Operating temperature range

59 to 90.5°F

Storage temperature range

-4 to 104°F

Operating humidity range

Storage humidity

0 to 95% RH

Recycled material content


Package dimensions (W x D x H)

Package weight


HP’s Premium Protection Warranty. This HP product is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship.

What’s in the box

Toner cartridge; Recycling guide


HP Original HP LaserJet Toner Cartridges provide impressive reliability, standout quality, and affordability for home and office printing.

Homes and small offices that want affordable, ultra high-quality black and white prints from their small, compact HP LaserJet Series 100 printer.

HP Black Original LaserJet Toner Cartridges provide reliable quality printing and are designed for almost any budget. Count on consistent business results and printing performance with every print.


Reliable, Original HP cartridge
Standard size, when you need just one
~950 pages


Affordable, ultra high-quality prints

No frills, just reliable quality printing from Original HP Toner Cartridges designed for almost any budget.

Stay on task with reliable HP Toner Cartridges

The choice you can trust—help avoid frustrating reprints, wasted supplies, and service calls.

Designed with your home and office in mind

Raw material from recycled HP cartridges can be used to manufacture new HP cartridges and help close the loop.

Security features help provide data integrity

Help identify whether a cartridge is Original HP, used, or counterfeit- to help ensure you’re getting the quality you paid for.

  1. HP Planet Partners Program availability varies. For more information, visit https://hp.com/recycle
  2. 100% of Original HP Toner Cartridges contain between 5-45% post-consumer or post-industrial recycled content. Does not include toner bottles. See https://hp.com/go/recycledcontent for list.
  3. An HP printing system consists of HP printer, HP paper and Original HP supply. Blue Angel DE-UZ 205 emissions criteria or earlier versions applicable when printing system launched.
  4. EPEAT® registered where applicable. EPEAT registration varies by country. See https://epeat.net for registration status by country.
  5. HP office-class printing systems are select Enterprise and Managed devices with FutureSmart firmware 4.5 and up, Pro devices, and select LaserJet models with respective Original HP Toner, PageWide, and Ink Cartridges. Does not include HP integrated printhead cartridges and some LaserJet Series 100 cartridges. Digital supply-chain tracking, hardware, and packaging security features vary locally by SKU. See https://hp.com/go/SuppliesThatProtect and https://hp.com/go/SuppliesSecurityClaims
  6. Requires the HP Smart app download. For details on local printing requirements see https://www.hp.com/go/mobileprinting . Certain features/software are available in English language only, and differ between desktop and mobile applications. Instant Ink subscription may be required. Instant Ink not available in all countries. See details at https://www.hpinstantink.com . On-going internet access required and must be purchased separately. HP account required for full functionality. List of supported operating systems available in app stores.

Prices, specifications, availability and terms of offers may change without notice. Price protection, price matching or price guarantees do not apply to Intra-day, Daily Deals or limited-time promotions. Quantity limits may apply to orders, including orders for discounted and promotional items. Despite our best efforts, a small number of items may contain pricing, typography, or photography errors. Correct prices and promotions are validated at the time your order is placed. These terms apply only to products sold by HP; reseller offers may vary. Items sold by HP are not for immediate resale. Orders that do not comply with HP terms, conditions, and limitations may be cancelled. Contract and volume customers not eligible.

HP’s MSRP is subject to discount. HP’s MSRP price is shown as either a stand-alone price or as a strike-through price with a discounted or promotional price also listed. Discounted or promotional pricing is indicated by the presence of an additional higher MSRP strike-through price.

The following applies to HP systems with Intel 6th Gen and other future-generation processors on systems shipping with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 Pro systems downgraded to Windows 7 Professional, Windows 8 Pro, or Windows 8.1: This version of Windows running with the processor or chipsets used in this system has limited support from Microsoft. For more information about Microsoft’s support, please see Microsoft’s Support Lifecycle FAQ at https://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle.

Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi, and Xeon Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.

In-home warranty is available only on select customizable HP desktop PCs. Need for in-home service is determined by HP support representative. Customer may be required to run system self-test programs or correct reported faults by following advice given over phone. On-site services provided only if issue can’t be corrected remotely. Service not available holidays and weekends.

Microsoft Windows 10: Not all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows 10. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers, software or BIOS update to take full advantage of Windows 10 functionality. Windows 10 is automatically updated, which is always enabled. ISP fees may apply and additional requirements may apply over time for updates. See https://www.microsoft.com.

Prices are exclusive of, and Customer shall pay, all taxes, duties, levies or fees, and applicable shipping charges related to Customer’s order. The Official HP Store on eBay does not support tax-exempt purchases. Additionally, sales are intended for personal use and not for resale so we cannot accept resale certificates.

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