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Bosch Tile And Square Layout Laser



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Family Owned & Operated Since 1948

Bosch Tile And Square Layout Laser

Make your flooring installations faster and more precise by swapping chalk and string lines for the BOSCH Tile and Square Layout Laser. Its 1/16 inch accuracy even at distances of 100 feet makes it easier to set tiling correctly. The lines are projected well above ground level, enabling the laser to be used with uneven surfaces.The included targeting plate increases visibility, which leads to improved accuracy. Magnets on the base of the tool securely attach it to the positioning plate or other ferrous surfaces to ensure that the lines it projects remain in the same place until the work is completed. A belt pouch is included to protect the Bosch tile and square layout laser when it is not in use. Includes Bosch tile and square layout laser, steel positioning plate and batteries Belt pouch included to protect the Bosch professional tile laser when not in use Accurate to 1/16 inch at a distance of up to 100 feet

Bosch Tile And Square Layout Laser
SKU: 294445583021 Category:

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